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The True Meaning of Sport

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

When you look up the meaning of Sport, it will read - “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.”

Even though this is true, there is more to sports than winners, losers, and competitions.

Sport is a common language that everyone can understand. It has the power to unite communities and inspire people, young and old to greatness.

Being involved in sports, I have seen the impact sport has on people. It teaches us to work together, respect one another, build confidence,develop friendships and unites us to cause bigger than ourselves

Living in Discovery Bay we are fortunate to have so many sports available for us to participate in. Sport helps to shape and unite our community like nothing else.

Through Sports Blits, I want to continue to promote, create awarness and to share positive effects sport has in our wonderdul community.

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