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Learning Life Lessons Through Sport

For many people sport is a way of life. Sports give you a sense of belonging and positively impact your social, physical, and mental well-being.

Sport can also teach you values and life lessons that we can use in our daily lives and beyond our sporting careers.

I have listed four life lessons that I value most. These life lessons I have learned through sport and apply them to my daily life.

Goal Setting:

Everyone has the ambition to progress and move forward in life. We all want to achieve the best we can but sometimes finds it difficult to reach our objective.

Goal setting will give you a plan and road map to achieving your objectives. Whether you set daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly goals having goals will give you a clear focus on what is important, motivate you, control your destiny, and a sense of personal satisfaction.


Perseverance is a skill you need to develop to be successful. When working towards your goals, there will be bumps along the way and sets backs.

It is important to remain focused, keep your eye on the prize, trust the process and appreciate the journey towards your goals.

Perseverance can teach you to embrace your mistakes and help you build your self-confidence.

Team Work:

Being able to work with people is a crucial part of everyday life. You must be able to communicate, listen and co-ordinate.

When working with a group of individuals, you might not like or agree with them, but working in a team will teach you to respect and value the differences in opinions.

This will lead to a positive environment and allow you to work collectively towards achieving a common goal.

Being on Time:

Being on time, maybe one of the basic habits to learn but is taken for granted.

Being on time shows people that you care, respect, and value them, and the environment you are in.

Arriving early, allows you to plan for the day ahead and make yourself more efficient.

The life lessons I have listed above are just a few lessons that I teach through my coaching. These lessons are not just for young people but adults as well. There are so many life lessons to learn through sport. Take the time and think back to what lesson you may have learned through sport and apply it to your daily life.

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