The sporting season is in full swing and you have just played your first few games of the season.
You have given your all and the team is playing well, but you find yourself, feeling sore, stiff, and tired.
Have you been recovering after your games?
Just as warming up is important, recovery plays an important role in sports and is often overlooked.
Recovery after games can help increase your range of motion, remove lactic acid, reduce muscle soreness and allows your body to return to resting levels.
Here are some tips that can help your body recover and get you ready for your next game:
Cool Down
After an intense and hard-fought game, your muscle builds up lactic acid, which contributes to muscle soreness the next day.
Develop a cool-down process where you can gently work your muscles to help circulate blood flow and eliminate waste products.
The routine does not have to be long. 10 minutes of gentle stretching and mobility exercise should help in recovery and post-game soreness.
When you are out on the court or pitch you give your absolute best for your team.
By the end of the game, you might have nothing left in the tank.
Refuel your body after a game. Replenish depleted electrolytes, hydrate and get carbs back into your body.
Eating and drinking can help reduce aches and pains the next day.
Look to drink sports drinks to help with hydration and electrolytes and protein shakes to help with your recovery.
Massage and Foam Rolling:
Everyone feels great after a massage. A soft tissue massage after your game help with increasing circulation, reducing waste products, reducing overall pain and discomfort, and helping with returning your body to resting levels.
Massage can be costly, so learning a good foam rolling program can provide the same benefits as a massage.
Check out this the link below for a beginner guide to foam rolling.
Be consistent with your massages and foam rolling exercises. You may feel discomfort at first but the long term effects and benefits will stand you in good stead
Rest is probably the best from of recovery, after an intense game.
Some people underestimate the value of sleep, but the truth is a good 8-hour sleeps has a positive effect on the way you feel the next day.
Yes, you will walk up sore but proper sleep will help you heal faster and reduce your recovery period so that you and get back on track for your next Game!